Stargate the last stand
Stargate the last stand

  • A devblog was set up on April 1st, 2008, to keep the community updated with some works in progress.
  • The mod reached the alpha 0.2 stage on Febru( news).
  • An alpha 0.1 was finished on Janu( news).
  • A pre-alpha was finished on Janu( news).
  • Merge of SG:BFL works and SG:TLS works follow and is still in progress.
  • SGTC 2 Trailer / High Quality - July 18, 2008.
  • SGTC 2 Pretrailer / High Quality - February 26, 2008.
  • Various Jaffa/Goa'uld characters (Snake guards, Horus guards.).
  • Players complained about poor weapons and glitchy gameplay. The Mod is presumed dead as the site has gone offline and only a handfull of people play it. The mod will then evolve with the players everybody will be able to give his/her point of view about the mod and to suggest improvements.

    stargate the last stand stargate the last stand

    The first version will be a classic team-deathmatch gameplay. It was created during Christmas 2007 from two mods, SG:BFL (Stargate : Battle For Liberty) and some of the members of SGTLS (Stargate : The Last Stand), which merged to create StargateTC 2.Īs most development team members of the new mod are former (or still current) developers of StargateTC (based on the HL1 engine), they decided to choose the name of this famous Stargate mod and to make of StargateTC 2 a kind of follow-up of StargateTC.Ī beta should be coming soon as the works of both SG:BFL and SG:TLS are being merged. StargateTC 2 (SGTC 2) is a total conversion mod based on the fiction of Stargate TV show.

    Stargate the last stand